November 30, 2019

Training at Korczakianum

Training at Korczakianum

In our everyday work as tour guides, we need to answer many questions about our city. Sometimes these questions are very detailed so it is important for us to constantly improve the level of our knowledge and our competency. One of the most difficult topics we cover during our tours is the history of the Jewish community in Warsaw. Therefore, we decided to expand our knowledge on this subject by attending a training at Korczakianum, one of the branches of the Museum of Warsaw.

Korczakianum is a very small institution – what is available for visitors is only one room, mainly with photos. For us, a visit to the museum was primarily a pretext to meet with a specialist in Jewish history in Poland.
During the meeting, we learned a lot about the biography of Janusz Korczak, the history of the Orphans' Home (the building in which Korczakianum is located today), as well as lesser known facts from the times of the war and occupation. The host of the meeting was extremely knowledgeable in these difficult topics and comprehensively answered our questions, dispelling all doubts or refuting myths that have accumulated over the years about Korczak or the situation of the Jews in Warsaw.
The meeting, originally scheduled for an hour, extended to almost two hours. We left it much richer in knowledge, which we now gladly pass on to our tourists during our tours about Jewish Warsaw.

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